Are you passionate about the arts, want to meet new people in a friendly and social environment and see behind the scenes of a working theatre?
You can help out and be a part of The Stag Sevenoaks by joining our dedicated volunteer team, contributing towards the success of The Stag.
It gives you the chance to meet and work with similar people, and to enjoy the benefits we can offer, including complimentary tickets. Our volunteers cover a variety of roles:
If you are looking for a fun and fulfilling way to support our local community please contact
Rachel Cope our Volunteers Co-ordinator today via email at:
Don’t forget to send your contact details!
Already a volunteer? Then sign up to Three Rings, our online volunteer system, and to check the latest shows availability
Stag Community Arts Centre is a company limited by guarantee and registered charity. Registered Charity No: 1137420, Company No: 07090305
Registered Office: The Stag Theatre, London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1ZZ. Our patrons: Cheryl Baker , Graham Cole OBE & Gloria Hunniford OBE
Stag Sevenoaks © 2019 | Website & Ticketing by JACRO